Monday, April 30, 2012

This Year's Vegetable Garden

Well, it's still cold and rainy here in Michigan. But, I am excited about this years garden! We are preparing for a larger one this year, in addition to the Kitchen Herb Garden that I grow right behind the house.  Plus, we have a (mini) Vineyard we are working on.  I will post more about that, later.
In the meantime, I found this great video from Organic Gardening Magazine, that gives and easy step-by-step on how to CREATE your organic garden. It is so simple, you won't believe it.
We would love to see YOUR garden as you grow it, so email your pics to me at:   We will post your pics and updates on the blog!
Happy Gardening! La Dolce Vita! oxox

Thursday, April 26, 2012

SkinnyGirl Cocktails...the New Craze

So, I am not a big drinker...but I like to enhance a good evening out with a bit of liquid character.  If you have not yet tried the Skinnygirl line...please do!  I am working my way (slowly) through the selections offered and am pleasantly surprised by the wonderful flavors of these drinks!
Not to mention, the fact that they are all naturally flavored, with no artificial sweeteners.
Fantastic Bethenny...and thank you!!

You can find your own local outlet carrying Bethenny's line at
