Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Conspiracy in Your Corn-Human Population Reduction & More...I Have NOT Lost My Mind.

I apologize, as this may take a few minutes to read, but I AM ASKING YOU TO READ THIS as it will fill you in on several things happening in the world around you, at once.  It may awaken you to a whole new world and prompt more of your own sense of curiosity and concern for the general well being of all-everyone-even you and your family.  As you know I like to write about happy things and making a good life.  But, as this is Life, there is sometimes bad that comes along with the good.  It does us NO good, to ignore the bad, and the only right thing to do is face it square on.  The best way to do that is through education and action. 

Previously, I have touted my concerns about this big "conspiracy" of elitist groups to rid the planet of "excess population".  I hate that this concept could even be thought of, not to mention remotely true, and I realize that this sounds far-fetched and a bit "Hollywood".  Especially, to those of us raised in such a safe American life-never having experienced true war on our land, or government hostility;  we are not trained to think otherwise.

But having worked closely over the years in my career with the higher-ups at large chemical (Dow, Dow Corning, Eli Lilly, etc.)  and food companies (Kraft, Dawn Foods, Monsanto, etc); Plus, having witness to talks by persons like Bill Gates (at Harvard U), and other world "leaders" through University Channels, such as University of Michigan and Harvard University Political Science Institutions) I am becoming increasingly alarmed at the events that are unfolding that seem to be  bringing these speculations to fruition.

 I must tell you that whether or not they have their facts of dire consequences for the planet with "overpopulation" correct, they (Gates, Obama Administration, UN diplomats, world leaders and the wealthy elite) are pursuing life-altering agendas world-wide to accomplish their goals of reducing the base population. Included in those measures are propagating mass adult and childhood vaccines that will contain harmful and deadly toxins, promulgating wide scale infanticide and abortions and modifying the food chain to ensure the timely death and population reduction-of the masses.

I fully understand that you may feel I am paranoid, or am easily led to believe the fear mongers.  But, I only ask you to think about the matters at hand, watch for more of these type of government controls over health and food, along with the increased build up of domestic armed forces, the recent actions of 'Emergency Management' in many cities (Detroit, at the forefront-which overrules the constitutional rights of the citizens and allows military enforcement)  and the de-arming of American citizens-to prevent a massive rise-up against government authority. 

News Flash:  HIV is so rampant in Africa (funny, why only there really?) because the virus is INSIDE the Hep B vaccines, and it is doled out to them en mass.  HepB is grown inside Ape Organs in 3rd world countries-fact, as all vaccines are grown in live animal and human tissues-including aborted fetuses(thank you, Eli Lilly); it is an Ape Virus that transferred the species barrier when harvested from their organs to then put into humans.  DO NOT give this to your infants! **

More news ...MONSANTO GMO CORN is the main staple given to Africans by their government and causing widespread infertility. A good thing you might think, given the condition of their country.  (But, would their country be in such a pitiful state if it weren't for the corporate farms forcing the mass dependency on government foods and the HIV that started with the vaccines from American Bio companies in the first place!)  Read more about this countries corporate development, when you get a chance.  Something I learned in my International Political Science course at Harvard, is that 3rd world countries are MADE that way, by larger countries and corporations. This is important to understand.

I am not suggesting a revolt...yet. But, merely asking you to be aware of these things, make wise choices and don't be led like lambs to the slaughter...children in tow.  These things are on such a large scale with such powerful forces behind them, that I do not know how to suggest to avoid them. Nor, do I possess at this time the political access that could stand up against such things. Not yet.

Below is a video of Bill Gates in one of his Harvard talks, mentioning the population reduction via vaccines.  (I initially heard of this speech through internal campus talks).  Also, video of a local Midwest Farmer, that will explain (in very clear terms) what he experienced with his pigs and the GMO corn; as well as his interactions with Monsanto, the government, and the media.  This is nothing new, yet greatly unheard of.  You will NOT be hearing of any of this through major news channels.

There are many other sources and videos available on the subject via Google and others.  Remember also, that your ACCESS TO INFORMATION is reliant upon major corporations that are under the influence and control of government actions. RIGHT NOW Google and other search providers are facing terrible legal battles against those trying to squelch the access the public now has.  It is under the guise of a Monopoly suit, but as part of the restrictions in feeding information to favorites, will be government monitoring of published information and site feeds. 

Find YOUR OWN TRUE SOURCES of information, and stay tuned.  Some of the best information will come from independent sources that are too small to be on the radar.

 You must decide for yourself.

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